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Mitch would love to visit about various speaking engagements for your church or organization (retreats, conferences, etc.). In addition to his weekly preaching ministry, Mitch is a regular speaker for the Kanakuk Institute and Downline Ministries.

If you’d like to schedule a live Clarifying The Bible presentation, let us know. We have hosted presentations in hotel ballrooms, office conference rooms, and church sanctuaries. So, whether you are a lay person or a church leader who wants to make an impact in your friends’ lives, you can host a Clarifying The Bible presentation! Though it sometimes feels like “drinking water from a fire-hydrant,” and while exceptions can be discussed, the presentation works best when scheduled on a single evening (or even Saturday morning) for three hours.



For example:

  • 6:00-6:10 pm – Introduction
  • 6:10-7:25 pm – Session I
  • 7:25-7:40 pm – Break
  • 7:40-8:55 pm – Session II
  • 8:55-9:00 pm – Dismiss

If you’d like to visit with Mitch about a speaking engagement, contact Clarifying The Bible at or (713) 494-4878.
