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The Clarifying The Bible (CTB) Cohort

Young Men – Apply today!
Space is limited.


What is the CTB Cohort?

The CTB Cohort is a 10-session (one semester, two hours per session) online cohort (Zoom) designed to equip young men who aspire to significant Christian leadership with a solid understanding of the big-picture of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Why do we need the CTB Cohort?

Many young men are passionate about Jesus and want to serve His people with faithfulness and fruitfulness right now and for decades to come. Yet, many of these same young men, if they are honest, aren’t very familiar with the Bible at all. We need the CTB Cohort to go to war with biblical illiteracy among young Christian leaders.

ED STETZER, Executive Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center: “America can be proud of many things: our innovation, generosity and entrepreneurial spirit are unsurpassed. Yet when it comes to our nation understanding one of the greatest gifts ever given to humanity—the Bible—we’re moving from dumb to dumber … and it’s no laughing matter.”

MARK DEVER, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church: “Biblical literacy may be higher in some places, but here in the U.S. it’s certainly lower than it used to be, and it’s declining.”

ALBERT MOHLER, The Southern Baptist Seminary: “… we ought to give some urgent attention to a problem much closer to home–biblical illiteracy in the church. This scandalous problem is our own, and it’s up to us to fix it.”

Who will be leading the CTB Cohort?

The leader/teacher will be Mitch Maher. Mitch serves as the Lead Pastor at Redeemer Community Church in Katy, TX and is the author/presenter of his own resource Clarifying The Bible. He graduated Plano Senior High in 1991, the University of North Texas in 1995, and Dallas Theological Seminary in 2000. After serving as the Young Singles Pastor on Tom Nelson’s staff at Denton Bible Church (1998 – 2001), Mitch planted Fellowship Bible Church in Jonesboro, AR in 2002. After leading Fellowship for six years he transitioned to Redeemer in 2008, where he’s served as the Lead Pastor for 12 years. In addition to his own Clarifying The Bible seminars that he teaches around the country, Mitch is a regular teacher at the Kanakuk Institute in Missouri, a contributor to Downline Ministries in Tennessee, and a recent speaker/teacher at Pine Cove’s Family Camp and The Forge in Texas.

Below are some testimonials concerning Mitch’s Clarifying The Bible material. He aims to garner the same kinds of responses from participants in the CTB Cohort.

JUSTIN TAYLOR, Crossway and The Gospel Coalition: “This is the best material I’ve seen at an intro level for explaining what’s in the Bible and how it fits together.”

TAYLOR TOLLISON, Area Director, Campus Outreach, University of Tennessee: For college students I haven’t found a more clear and concise resource that gives such a solid framework through which to understand the storyline and structure of God’s Word than Clarifying The Bible. I’ve had Mitch come teach at our summer training projects, shown his video in countless discipleship groups, taught these principles and lessons several times, and I still want more!”

TEDASHII, Hip Hop Artist, Reach Records: Clarifying The Bible is an AMAZING resource! I’ve seen personally, from a small group setting to one-on-one, how this resource can open up your understanding of God’s Word in a way that drives you to want more of Jesus. My wife and I love it!”

JIM HAMILTON, Professor of Biblical Theology, Southern Seminary: “We are all aware of the growing phenomenon of biblical illiteracy. Mitch Maher has set out to address this problem. His overview, Clarifying The Bible, indeed clarifies the whole Bible. He is a clear and likable communicator, and he knows his stuff. May the Lord use Mitch and this project to turn the tide of biblical illiteracy!”

WILL RAMBO, Senior Pastor, The Orchard, Tupelo, MS: “I grew up in church, son of a pastor. I have worked in churches for years and paid quality money for a fantastic seminary education. And yet, no resource has so concisely framed the narrative of Scripture as Mitch’s work in Clarifying The Bible. I watch it regularly. I teach it often. I have given this to many leaders and friends. It should be in the hands of every follower of Jesus that they might know, teach, and embody the Gospel more and more.”

KENNON VAUGHAN, Founder, Downline Ministries, Memphis, TN: “Mitch brings incredible clarity to the entire Bible in a way that gives both new believers and seminary graduates a greater ability to comprehend and appreciate God’s Word. I gained more understanding in two hours of Clarifying The Bible with Mitch than in my previous 10 years studying the Word on my own. This is a treasure for those who are hungry to know their Bibles.”

Here’s a sample of Mitch’s teaching of Clarifying The Bible. It’s a 29 minute section on Paul’s letters.

Who can join the CTB Cohort?

The CTB Cohort is for young Christian men (twenty- and thirty-somethings) who have finished their undergraduate degree, who aspire to faithful and fruitful leadership in the local church (whether that’s in full-time ministry as a church planter, lead pastor, missionary, etc., or as a layman serving significantly in the body of Christ), who today find themselves without much Biblical understanding, but who are hungry to learn. So, the CTB Cohort is for you if…

  • You’re a young man — a twenty- or thirty-something.
  • You’ve finished your undergraduate degree.
  • You aspire to significant leadership in the local church.
  • You’re willing to admit you don’t have much Biblical understanding/knowledge.
  • You’re hungry to learn.

What will the CTB Cohort demand of participants?

The CTB Cohort will demand at least four things from participants: to Unplug, Study, Memorize, and Pray.

  • Unplug: In order for young men to gain a solid understanding of the Scriptures over the 10-session period, they will need hours back, not minutes. Throughout the CTB Cohort, participants must significantly cut back on things like Netflix binging, video-game playing, and glutting out on sports. If you’re not willing to seriously consider where the hours of your life are being invested and make serious adjustments, the CTB Cohort is not for you.
  • Study: Between the cohort meetings, participants will be studying hard. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) If you’re not willing to put your nose in the Book and keep it there, the CTB Cohort is not for you.
  • Memorize: Participants will memorize a lot. Yes, Bible verses; but also key geographical locations, essential dates, some Bible book outlines, crucial events/content and their locations in the Bible, etc. Yes, you can memorize; it just takes work. If you’re not willing to put in the hard work of memorization, the CTB Cohort is not for you.
  • Pray: Without Jesus we can’t do anything of eternal significance (John 15:5). Unplugging, studying, and memorizing are all for naught without His power. But with His help you can unplug, study, and memorize in such a way that not only will your mind be enlightened, but your heart enlarged and your hands made zealous for His work! If you’re not willing to pray, the CTB Cohort is not for you.

What will the schedule look like?

The CTB Cohort will meet on the following Fridays throughout the Fall 2020, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Central Time.  While most of the time will be spent teaching/learning, we’ll spend time each session connecting with each other and celebrating what God is doing in our lives. If you anticipate missing more than two of these meetings the CTB Cohort is not for you.

  1. Friday, August 28: Introduction and Old Testament Overview
  2. Friday, September 4: Genesis – Deuteronomy
  3. Friday, September 18: Joshua – 2 Kings
  4. Friday, October 2: Ezra – Esther, Review
  5. Friday, October 16: Poetry and Prophets
  6. Friday, October 30: New Testament Overview, Gospels
  7. Friday, November 6: Acts, Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  8. Friday, November 20: 1 & 2 Corinthians, Romans
  9. Friday, December 4: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy
  10. Friday, December 18: Hebrews – Revelation

What does the CTB Cohort cost?

The CTB Cohort will cost $500 per participant. This covers instruction throughout the cohort, as well as your costs for three required books and additional materials. The $500 is due by August 21.

Where do I apply?

If you’d like to apply for the CTB Cohort, please click the Start button below. You’ll be directed to an online application that should take you no more than 10 minutes to fill out. NOTE: Simply applying does not guarantee a spot in the CTB Cohort. Mitch will be in touch with you to discuss the cohort further and see if it’s a good fit.

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